Diversity of women
  Diversity of women

Tracking the Money Towards Ending Gender Based Violence

This policy paper, published by the ICGBV in March 2024, provides a high-level snapshot on the state of funding, and financing opportunities, around gender-based violence (GBV) prevention, mitigation, and response. Contributing to the expanding body of analysis and work within the field to both track funding, and to coordinate research and programmatic efforts around GBV, the paper draws on publicly available data to offer a synthesised overview of critical issues facing the adequate resourcing of the GBV field and seeks to inform further empirical research. Additionally, it distils key recommendations for government donors, multilateral institutions, and private philanthropic organisations, while also highlighting emerging market-based options for financing of GBV.

Read the paper in the FlipBook below, or download the paper here.

Tracking the money towards ending Gender Based Violence Report