The Ifrah Foundation’s Work on GBV
The Ifrah Foundation’s mission is the elimination of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Somalia. Somalia has the highest prevalence in the world at 98% and has been described as one of the worst place in the world to be a girl or a woman. The Ifrah Foundation has developed a Systemic Model of Change comprising a 3-pronged approach including Advocacy, Awareness Raising and Community Empowerment & Education
Advocacy: the Foundation focuses on brining attention to Gender Based Violence broadly and FGM specifically. We do this by lobby for the implementation of the Sexual Offences bill and the FGM bill in Somalia. To this end we have developed a National Action Plan for the Elimination of FGM in Somalia. We are currently working key stakeholders to secure a consortium of implementing partners to deliver on this work. You can here more about Ifrah’s work here:
Awareness Raising: The Foundation delivers Media Training Academies with the Global Media Campaign to end End FGM and other partners including the UK and Norwegian Governments, UNFPA and Save the Children. These Academies equip trainees with the capacity to produce high-quality, impactful media content, engage with media bodies for distribution and airtime and amplify the message of the harmful effects of FGM. The Academy engages with religious leaders, politicians and parliamentarians, journalists, youth leaders and activists. This work has raised the level of open dialogue and debate nationally and regionally on FGM in Somalia. The Ifrah Foundation itself produces documentaries to raise awareness on the effects of FGM. An example can be seen here:
Community Empowerment and Education: Ifrah Foundation takes a community based approach to engaging individuals and groups on the issue of FGM. We work with key people in the community support the community identifying the issues with FGM and look for ways to end the practice from within. The Ifrah Foundation FGM Ambassadors Network supports this work and ensure there is a long-term, sustain support for individuals in communities to enforce their decision not to practice FGM.