International Womens Day

November 2010 Kalignam Village Gopalgonj District
Mononoma Kunda, 49, is a Christian and a committed member of Art Forum, a womenÕs credit loaning group. She says that the forum has changed her and her familyÕs lives. Before the forum her children did not go to school. Now both her children have completed their education. She has also borrowed money from the forum to buy land to build a house and land where she now cultivates rice to feed her family. She has also received training on rights and advocacy from CCDB. Mononoma has put this into practice working with other forum members to lobby the local parishad (council) and to raise awareness about gender equality in her community. She is financially independent, well thought of in the community and her husband has great respect for her.
She sits in her home with her grandson. The money to buy the land and build the house were borrowed through the forum.